Blog: Voice Over Microphone Technique

“I don’t like the sound of my voice” is the most often phrase I hear when recording. And yet I have yet to hear a horrible voice. Except my own voice. I sound horrible!

No one likes the sound of their own voice. This is because you are hearing your own voice differently to how other listening to it.

When you are listening to a someone speaking, or singing, sound waves travel through the air and your hear the sound wave uninterrupted. Your ears pick up the sound waves that have travelled through the air and your brain deciphers these sound waves. Obviously the sound waves are just vibrations.

Why is it different when you listen to your own voice?

When you are listening to the sound of your own voice you can feel and hear the vibrations that are inside the bones in your skull, you can feel the sound travel through the muscles in you face, and you are hearing many different frequencies you never usually hear. It is very different.

So why do I hate listening to the sound of my own voice after it has been recorded?

If you are listening to the sound of your own voice after it has been recorded it is totally different to how you usually hear it.

being different does mean it is horrible.

Have a voice that is distinctive if brilliant. If you have a regional accent that is even better.

Everyone is critical of their own voice. It doesn’t matter what your voice sounds like – will will make your voice sound fantastic.

You do need to believe what you are saying though – you need to speak with passion and believe every word. If you fake it your listener will know.

Then you will have a great recording.

If you have a great recording, everyone will love the sound of your own voice.

Everyone had a great sounding voice.

Except me.