Blog: Crowd Funding And The Art Of Asking

“You know what’s really cool? Wake up every morning, decide what you feel like doing, and do it.” ― Amanda Palmer

One way of financing your audio book is by using a crowdfunding scheme like Kickstarter.

Crowdfunding is a scheme where in return for money given to you by “patrons”,  they receive, for example, something in return from you.

So for donating money to your new audio project,  they could get in return a signed hard copy of your book. This way, you get a donation from one of your patrons, they get a signed book which they will value, and you can give them a finished audio book when it has been published.

A lot depends on what money they are prepared to give you… but building a brand is a great way to ensure loyalty and they will sure to spread the word.

You can gain a lot from having patrons and from using Kickstarter

Amanda Palmer, a New York based singer songwriter. In 2012 she announced on her blog she had launched her new CD on Kickstarter and those who were prepared to support her would get a copy of her CD via download.

24,883 backers logged on to support her and they raised $1,192,793.
She has since released other albums, videos, and a book – called The Art of Asking – which became a best seller.

You can gain a huge following by having people become patrons. All you need is your book, Social Media knowledge, a blog and the ability to ask people if they will be prepared to sponsor you.

Check out Amanda Palmer’s Ted Talk – it’s worth a listen if you planning on becoming a best seller and building a brand.